Turku Cathedral
Friday 21 March 2025 at 7 pm

Buy ticket

Musicians of the King’s Road
Andres Mustonen, conductor
Ilpo Laspas, organ

Early Music Day


Two different types of tickets are sold to the concert: white and blue tickets. The seats in the Cathedral are divided into two areas by these colours. The seats within each area are unnumbered.

White ticket (25,00 e + possible service fee), fixed pews.

Blue ticket (35,00 e + possible service fee), chairs in the front part of the church.

(Please note that ticket sales in Turku Cathedral has not started yet.)

Advance booking:

Turku Cathedral information, phone +358 40 341 7100

Tickets can also be bought directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road: info@kuninkaantienmuusikot.fi or phone 0400 495 935.