Tähtitorninkatu 2, Turku
Friday 6 January, 2017
at 6 p.m.


Musicians of the King’s Road

Irma Niskanen, baroque violin
Sofia Raittinen, dance

Stiftelsen Hemmet i Åbo 130 years

Nicola Matteis:

Arie Diverse per Il Violino
Ayrs For the Violin, Books 1,2 & 4

Aria ad imitatione della Trombetta
Ground after the Scotch Humour
Passaggio rotto, Andamento veloce e Fantasia
Diverse bizzarie Sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda ò pur Ciaccona


One of the most beautiful buildings in Turku, located in Vartiovuori Park, opens its doors for a concert.

Tickets: 22 €

Fully booked

Limited number of seats. We advise to book tickets well in advance, as it is possible that there will not be any tickets available on the door.

Tickets can be booked in advance directly from the Musicians of the King’s Road: info@kuninkaantienmuusikot.fi or by phone 0400 495 935.